Multiscale imaging
全/大組織結構影像可以用來分析例如全鼠腦的神經、細胞影像並取得定量化的結果。透過全組織透明化及高速染色技術,我們可以快速的取得從鼠腦到人體組織檢體的完整影像。而利用定位顯微鏡(Localization microscopy)或是組織膨脹 (Tissue expansion),則可以輕易的突破光學解析度,拿到數十奈米解析度的影像資料。
HIF-clear is the only solution for 1cm FFPE sample clearing and multiplex labeling. It can be used to reveal intact neuron morphology in 15 years FFPE embaded brain sample or 1cm brain sample fixed in formalin for 3 month.
Various image analysis toos can help scientists to extract valuable results from the image data.
This mouse brain was cleared with water base protocol.
Protocol credit: Xuejiao Tian, Academia Sinica
LLM-CT (Lightsheet localization microscopy for clarified tissue) is the first localization microscopy that can be used to image the entire fly brain with 50 nm resolution
LLExM is a methods that combines 4x sample expansion technologies and lattice light sheet microscopy to capture optical image in 60 nm.
LLExM-Max is a methods that combines 10x sample expansion technologies and lattice light sheet microscopy to capture optical image in 20 nm.